ARPA Funds Reporting and Compliance featuring Alana Keegan & Olivia Johnson

ClearPoint & ARPA Funds Reporting

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ARPA reporting requirements are a burden to some local governments and a potential nightmare to others - with shifting regulations (including modifications in June, August and September of this year alone), cities and counties nationwide are concerned about the demands on staff time and risk of accidental non-compliance. Join Alana Keegan of the Triangle J Council of Governments, Olivia Johnson of Orange County and Ted Jackson from ClearPoint as they discuss the challenges of ARPA reporting and how Triangle J has streamlined compliance for local governments. About Triangle J Council of Governments: Created by the State of North Carolina in 1969, TJCOG is a local government by law consisting of 7 counties and 26 municipalities, and its activities include resource planning, coordinating disaster recovery, and planning for housing affordability and economic development. Learn in just 30 minutes how Triangle J helps counties and municipalities manage SLFRF reporting and dramatically reduce both the staff time dedicated to reporting and the risk of accidental non-compliance.