ClearPoint Strategy's New UI Explained | Pre-Recorded Webinar

Explore ClearPoint Strategy's new user interface with our detailed video tour. Watch now to discover the new enhanced features for a better experience.

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  • Intro (0:00)
  • Agenda (1:52)
  • Enabling the new UI (2:44)
  • Basics of new look (3:21)
  • Navigating the left-hand control panel (5:26)
  • My ClearPoint (5:26)
  • Scorecards, Elements, and Reports (7:18)
  • Documents, Automation, and System Settings (11:43)
  • Pod sizes (14:32)
  • Quick Charts (17:10)
  • Mind Maps (19:55)
  • Final Comments (21:02)
  • Questions (22:08)

Intro (0:00)

Henry: Hello everyone, and welcome to the “I didn’t know ClearPoint could do that!?!” customer webinar Series!

Today, we will be walking through in more detail all of the changes coming with the new user interface, which we will refer to as the new UI as shorthand. We are excited to talk through some of the basics of how this will change and enhance your ClearPoint experience for both you and your users with navigating and understanding the tool.

But before we get started, let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Henry!

RJ: And I’m RJ! We are both members on our Customer Success team here at ClearPoint. It’s great to see all of you on here that we have worked with before and introduce ourselves to those we have not met!

Henry: As a few housekeeping announcements:

We will be recording this session and will make it available within a week. If you registered for this webinar, you will receive an email of the recording, and it will also be posted to our website.

The webinar will last about 25 minutes with time for questions at the end.

So, you can submit your questions to our Q&A chat box! This is located in the toolbar at the bottom of the Zoom window.

As always, any questions that we do not get to, we will follow up by email!

Finally, the Comments box is meant for you to add any additional insights or thoughts that you may have as we go through the webinar.

Now, on our last installment, we hosted a webinar on automating status evaluations in ClearPoint! If you are interested in learning how you can save time and avoid the subjectivity of manual status evaluations, be sure to check that webinar out!

Now that we have the housekeeping items out of the way, let’s get started.

Agenda (1:52)

RJ: First, let us talk through an agenda of topics for today.

We have already gone through intros and are going through the agenda now. We will then dive into ClearPoint and talk through some of the basics of the new look that you can see right off the bat without doing much navigating. Next, we will explain how navigation works through the left-hand control panel and ensure you know how to get to all of the same places as before in the old UI.

Once we go through navigation, we will then touch on a few new features coming with the new UI, including expanded capabilities for pod sizes and detail page layouts, quick charts, and mind maps. Finally, we will go over any questions at the end, so be sure to put any questions you have in that Q&A chat box.

Henry: Thanks, RJ. Let’s dive into ClearPoint now and get started.

Enabling the new UI (2:44)

Henry: One of the first things I wanted to mention was that if you are interested in enabling the beta version of the new UI, please talk with your Customer Success Manager so that they can help you enable it for your account.

As we roll out the new UI over the next several months, you will have the ability to toggle between this new UI and the old UI as needed, so don’t worry if you feel like now is not a great time for you and your team to have to tackle learning a new UI. You will have a multi-month time horizon to adopt the new UI before the old UI is fully deprecated and retired.

Basics of new look (3:21)

RJ: Awesome, now that the UI is set for the account, let’s take a look at some of the changes that are in place here. While we will be going over these changes in more detail, there are a few notes to make about the new UI before we really jump in. To start, you will see that the top panel navigation that used to contain different element dropdowns is no longer there, so all navigation can be done using the left-hand panel. Instead, in the top, we can see a few different things. First, there is the hamburger icon which will hide the left panel navigation and give us more real estate on the page. I will leave this open for now as it is going to be very useful for navigating around the account.

Next, there is a Home icon. Just like before, clicking this icon will pull me directly to the home page that is set for my account.

We can also see a search bar that will allow us to easily look up any page in the system, regardless of where we are currently located in the account. For instance, I can click on this search bar and type ‘Revenue’…. and we will see options that contain my query.

Finally, in the top right, we can see our period selector which will allow us to navigate to any historic periods in the account, as well as our alerts inbox, and profile icon.

Henry: Great RJ, but I did also notice that as I have navigated around, I can see the pages I visit popping up on the top of my screen.

RJ: Yep, this is a new and improved version of page visit history in the system. With this, we can see our recently viewed pages, and easily click back into one, or we can use the dropdown arrow to see a more comprehensive list of page visits. Something that is really cool is that we now have the option to pin pages to our view. So, if there are certain elements, or reports that you find yourself navigating to more frequently, you can use the pin icon to pin it, and it will always display as an option to easily click into within the top navigation as you can see here.

Navigating the left-hand control panel (5:26)

My ClearPoint (5:26)

Henry: I am loving everything you are showing me so far! Now that you’ve shown some of the basics of the new look, why don’t I walk you through how to navigate through this left-hand control panel?

RJ: That sounds great. I have already seen that all of these tabs are things I recognize from the old UI, so I am glad that it won’t be too hard to learn. Let’s walk through it.

Henry: One of the first things you’ll notice that is different on the left-hand control panel is that it is smaller and that there are just icons with no words. If you hover over any of these icons, you will see text appear that tells you exactly what each of these tabs are. As you mentioned, all of these tabs use the same nomenclature as the old UI so that you’ll easily know what each tab is.

Starting from the top, you can see the first tab is the “My ClearPoint” section. The top of this section should look familiar, with the same four options you have seen before. In addition to those four options, we have also now added an Alerts Inbox, where you can easily see your most recent Alerts. You can also click on the Alerts Inbox header to see all of your Alerts. Under the Alerts, you can see your most recent Page Exports. If you generate an export and want to come back later to download it, you could come to “My ClearPoint” and then this Page Exports section to download it. Again, you could also click on the Page Exports header to see all of the exports you have generated rather than just the most recent.

Finally, you’ll notice you can access your Revision History and Recycle Bin from this section. You will also be able to access them from System Settings like before, but here is an additional place you can access those features.

Scorecards, Elements, and Reports (7:18)

RJ: I am liking all of the expanded features within My ClearPoint! Now that we have covered that tab, let’s dive into navigating between Scorecards, Elements, and Reports.

The next tab down from My ClearPoint is the Scorecards tab. If we click this tab, we will be able to see our Scorecard tree here in the same way that we could view it in the old UI. We can expand and contract the tree as needed, and we have the ability to click into any of these Scorecards from here. Additionally, we also have the ability to filter for Scorecards in the tree, or we can use this drop-down menu at the top to select the scorecard we would like to navigate to, and then click Scorecard Home.

This Element Tree option shows us a Mind Map of the scorecard. We are going to spend more time later in this webinar walking through how this works and why it’s useful.

Lastly, as an Admin user, we can access “Manage Scorecards” from this section as well.

Henry: That all seems pretty clear as far as how to navigate between different scorecards, but I was wondering without the top navigation how we can navigate to different elements and reports within a scorecard?

RJ: Great question! The next icon under Scorecards here is an Elements tab, and the icon after Elements is Reports. As you remember in the old UI, elements and reports were in the same dropdown, with Reports showing in bolded font and Elements in regular font.

Henry: I do remember that, but I like this way of segmenting elements and reports better because it is much clearer what is an element vs report. Can you walk me through navigating both of these tabs?

RJ: Definitely! Starting with the Elements tab, you can see from the scorecard dropdown at the top that we are looking at elements of Upward Airlines scorecard. We could switch what elements we wanted to look at by simply clicking the dropdown and choosing a different scorecard.

Once we have chosen the scorecard whose elements we want to see, we can then click the dropdown arrow on whatever element type that we want to view to see all of those particular elements. You can see the statuses of each of these elements, and you can click on their names if you want to go to that element’s detail page.

Henry: That seems clear and makes sense! And what about the ‘Manage Elements’ option?

RJ: This manage elements option will open the manage elements page, and while it is still similar to the old UI, there are some differences and improvements to walk though. First, you will see that near the top of this page, there are option to easily toggle between managing this Scorecards Objectives, Measures, and Initiatives, which we could not do as easily in the old UI. Further, more information is shown along with the element names – for instance, if we click into Initiatives, we can see the status as well as percent complete and Initiative owner.

Henry: This all seems pretty intuitive! Does the reports tab operate similarly to the elements tab?

RJ: Yep! It operates almost exactly the same. If we click into the Reports tab, you can also select the scorecard whose reports you want to view from the dropdown at the top. Once you are in the scorecard you want, you can click the dropdown arrow next to the element report type you would like to see to view those reports. The manage reports page will once again take you to the page where you can easily toggle between managing your different types of reports.

Documents, Automation, and System Settings (11:43)

Henry: Thanks for walking through that! Now that you have shown how to navigate through different scorecards, elements, and reports, I can show the last few tabs we have here. After Reports, this next tab is the Documents tab. In the new UI, documents is broken into three sections. The first section, templates, is where you go when you want to create or generate a Briefing Book or HTML Export. This Documents section is where you go to access previously generated Briefing Books, HTML Exports, and individual detail or summary report pages. Lastly, the Files section is where you go to find Attachments or Images you have uploaded into your account.

RJ: So to be clear, the biggest difference between the old and new UI here is that the templates and downloadable exports are in two different sections? That seems straightforward to me! What about the Automation tab?

Henry: The Automation tab is almost exactly the same as before! You will notice two additional options on here. One is that you can directly access the Schedule Calendar from this Automation tab rather than first having to click into Schedules. Two is that you can access the Measure Library from this tab if you are a local government participating in the Measure Library.

RJ: That’s great. That isn’t much different than before, so it all looks clear to me! It looks like the last tab is this gear tab at the bottom. This must be System Settings!

Henry: Exactly! There are a few things to note for the System Settings tab. The top section is where you can access the Manage Users option to add, edit, or remove users. If you are utilizing User Groups, you can access those from the Manage Groups option.

For the Reporting Periods section, we can access the reporting periods for the account in the Reporting Periods option. We can access our Reporting Frequencies from the Manage Reporting Frequencies section. If you utilize Fiscal Year calculations in your account, you can configure your Fiscal Years in the Fiscal Years option. Finally, if you are a local government utilizing the Measure Library for benchmarking, you can set your Master Periods in the Master Periods option here.

Under the System Configuration section, the System Setup option is the same exact thing as Admin Options in the old UI. We updated the language here to more clearly indicate what this option is for. Lastly, the Utilities section has the Revision History and Recycle Bin options.

Pod sizes (14:32)

RJ: This is amazing, I can’t believe how great all these changes look! Back in the beginning, we talked in the agenda about new pod sizes and ways to layout a detail page. Can you talk more to what those changes look like and how we can make those changes?

Henry: Definitely! Let’s tackle this with an example. Let’s look in the Upward Airlines scorecard at our Revenue Measure.

Once we navigate to the Revenue detail page, we can click on the arrow to the right of the pencil icon in the top right and select “Edit Layout.”   Here you can see all the pods for this measure.

Now, let’s click on the edit pencil icon within any of the pods. How about we choose “Description.”

As you can see, in addition to the pod customization options you’ve always had, there is now a “Pod Width” dropdown.  Click on the dropdown and you can see now that you can switch each pod’s width to a variety of options. Each option corresponds to how much real estate the pod will take on each section of the page. For example, if I mark the Description as ¼ width and save, and I am keeping that Description pod on Page 1 Top, that the Description pod will take up ¼ of the space on Page 1 Top. On the other hand, if I looked at this Owner field in the left column and I also marked it as ¼ and saved, that’s going to take up ¼ of that column on Page 1 Left. You can imagine that will be 1/8 of the whole total page size. If we save here, you can see what it’ll look like.

RJ: Wow! The widths of those pods are totally different, that’s remarkable!  I can see how this would be helpful if you really wanted to customize these page layouts even more. You could line pods up on the layout so that those that are ¼ for example line up with those that are 3/4ths.

Henry: Absolutely! I am excited for this page layouts feature to be rolled out soon!

Quick Charts (17:10)

Henry: I know we had also talked about a new quick charts feature. What are quick charts and how do I go about adding them in the new UI?

RJ: Quick charts is a new feature that allows you to create charts on the fly from any detail page in ClearPoint. You can pull data across any Measure in your account to create easy-to-visualize charts that fit on a detail page. Quick charts can be added to any element type in the account.

Henry: This all sounds great; can I see a visual for how this works?

RJ: Absolutely, let’s use an example in our Upward Airlines Scorecard. If I click into elements, and then click Upward Airlines, I can see the elements from that Scorecard. Let’s take a look at the ‘Increase Revenue’ Objective in this scorecard. From here, I will use the dropdown next to the edit pencil in the top right to select ‘Edit Layout’ just as I had done before. With this page open, we will now be able to click the new option of ‘Place Chart’. From here, we can choose our chart type. If we select the Measure Chart option, we can pull a pre-existing Measure chart onto the detail page.

However, the rest of these KPI options allow us to create one of these new quick charts. Let’s create a KPI Bar Chart as an example. Once I select KPI Bar Chart, I will then need to select the Scorecard, Element Type, and specific Element that I want to pull data from into this chart. For this example, I will keep this as Upward Airlines, Measures, and Revenue as the element we want to pull data from. I will then select the series that I want to chart. I will select Actual for this example. We can give the chart a title, which for this one I will call it Revenue. Finally, we can customize the color of the chart. I am going to leave this on the default color for now.

Finally, we can click Save, and Save again so that we can see how this chart looks.

Henry: This is such a cool update, and it was so easy to create that chart!

RJ: Definitely! Quick charts allow us to create a basic chart where we can easily visualize trends overs time. If we hover over the chart, we can get more information, including the specific numbers and associated period of time it was reported.

Henry: That’s awesome. I can see how this would be useful if we wanted to add in visualizations to other elements besides Measures where it might make sense to see that data.

Mind Maps (19:55)

RJ: Exactly! One final change to cover before we run out of time is the new Mind Mapping capability that will allow us to visualize everything that is going on within a certain Scorecard. Here, if we click into ‘Elements’, (Upward Airlines) and then click ‘Element Tree’ we can see all of our element types. To get more information, such as information on Measures, we can click the carrot icon for Measures.

Henry: Nice, all of my Measures are displaying here, and I can very easily edit any of them by clicking the edit pencil, or view the page by clicking the view page icon.

RJ: You bet! And, if you want to see what this may be linked to, you can edit one of these Measures such as Revenue, and then click into the Link Map. This will show you more information on which specific elements this measure is aligned with in the account.

Henry: That’s great! That was a lot of changes, but I think this new UI looks a lot better and will make it easier to navigate in the long run. Now, let’s wrap with a few final items.

Final Comments (21:02)

RJ: So, we did want to mention a few things around the UI just so everyone is aware. First, if you are interested in testing out a beta version of the new UI, please reach out to your account manager and they can help turn it on. It is very important to note that if you turn this on, any changes you make within the new UI will also reflect in your live account, as these are running on the same platform.

Henry: Second, while we are introducing this beta version of the new UI to you all today, the old UI is still going to continue to be supported for a long time. There eventually will come a time when the old UI is deprecated, but we will be very deliberate around giving plenty of notice and support before this time comes to make sure everyone is ready.

RJ: Finally, there will be additional functionality coming in the future with the new UI – such as a ClearPoint and Microsoft Teams integration and a discussion feature. We will also be providing updates as these larger items become available for use in the system.