Trend dashboard templates visually display trends in metrics over time, making it easy to identify problematic periods and dig deeper to address their potential causes. Trend dashboard templates can use a combination of grid style reports and chart visualizations to display how key elements have varied as well as their current status. By honing in on trends over time, trend dashboard templates can help leaders identify cyclical factors that may affect metric performance and mitigate these conditions as needed.In this trend dashboard template example from ClearPoint, trends in key metrics like revenue and expenses are visually displayed in charts while a grid-style report offers insight into the performance of other important financial measures over the past six periods. From this trend dashboard, users can easily drill down for more information on each metric and/or assign activities to address metrics that are lagging behind.Users of this dashboard can conduct further trend analysis by electing to evaluate each measure based on percent change from the previous period rather than evaluating actual versus target values.
In the top part of this dashboard, you can see the overall trends of each measure. You can customize the time period that you want to view for each as well. This way, you can see the current status of the measure, as well as understand how it is doing compared to past performance and analyze how it might perform in the future.
In the bottom part of the dashboard there is a heat map that can provide deeper understanding of the trend charts. Here, you can easily identify which measures are underperforming and by how much, as compared to the target. From the heat map, you can click on each measure to drill down and read the specific measure’s analysis.