Ted is a Founder and Managing Partner of ClearPoint Strategy and leads the sales and marketing teams.
Is your sales team spending time and effort on the right initiatives?
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What happens when you don’t? When you’re not monitoring sales performance metrics, you’re in a blind spot. You don’t know if what you’re spending time on is actually helping you improve results and reach your goals. Being able to strategically allocate your efforts is key to improving your sales KPIs.
Plus, in a typical five-year strategic plan, it’s almost inevitable that things will change. It’s up to you to stay on top of your sales KPIs and targets so you can skillfully adapt when needed. As your goals shift, your KPIs will change as well, and tracking them over time is the only way to ensure you’re making smart decisions for your sales organization.
As you read through the list below, keep in mind these KPIs are never one-size-fits-all—you’ll have to define the right ones for your sales team. Here are some of the most common performance metrics, grouped by category.
These are general sales KPIs rooted in a company’s financial goals. These are all crucial to the growth of an organization.
How much work is being done to generate sales? Your productivity KPIs quantify the effort behind each sale. Tracking these KPIs by team and by individual sales representative reveals strengths and weaknesses of each phase of the sales cycle, with the ability to drill down to each person involved.
While productivity KPIs are straightforward numbers quantifying activities, conversion KPIs are more about the quality and effectiveness of those activities and are typically shown as a percentage figure.
Your customer KPIs center on who is buying your products or services. These figures will help you refine your offerings and determine the best ways to build loyalty.
This final category of KPIs for sales teams is focused on HR-related metrics. These are indicators of the strength of your division and internal culture.
It can seem daunting when you list all the sales performance metrics you want to track, but the good news is you don’t have to number crunch by hand with a pencil and paper. Using strategy management software like ClearPoint is the equivalent of hitting the easy button.
ClearPoint allows you to easily track your overall goals, initiatives, and key performance indicators for sales in one place. You can see how the initiatives you’ve chosen to focus on are progressing and easily share information—including historical data—across your sales organization. Having up-to-date, accurate KPI numbers at your fingertips puts you in a position to be adaptive to change when needed, and helps you get everyone on the same page about why you’re doing what you’re doing.