108 Healthcare KPIs and Measures [FREE]

Improve your healthcare org's performance with our FREE KPI Library. Download now to access a curated collection of KPIs for the healthcare sector.

The business model for healthcare organizations and hospitals has changed over the last 10 years and will continue to change as major policy changes are implemented in the USA and abroad.

Because of these changes, healthcare organizations have been driven to look at performance data to determine whether or not their care and activities meets the new standards. This has made for an entirely new set of KPIs, measures, and metrics.

In this free list, you’ll find:

  • 108 healthcare metrics, organized in eight categories.
  • Clear descriptions of each and every measure.
  • A simple, accessible Excel format that you can easily make your own.

Get instant access to over 100 Healthcare KPIs and Measures by downloading this library.

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